祝贺!我院助理教授王爽心在经济学顶级期刊The Economic Journal发表论文


近日,暨南大学经济学院经济学系王爽心助理教授的合作论文The Short- and Long-Run Impacts of Free Education on Schooling: Direct Effects and Intra-Household Spillovers在经济学国际顶级期刊The Economic Journal在线发表。合作者为张俊森(浙江大学)和郭乃嘉(香港大学)。


This study estimates the direct and spillover effects of a free education programme on educational outcomes in rural China. We find that, although the programme encourages more eligible children to attend secondary school, it also leads to a decrease in high school enrolment among ineligible girls with eligible siblings, as they are more likely to choose work instead. In the long run, males exposed to free education have more years of schooling than their non-exposed counterparts. However, such effect is not found among females. This disparity suggests that a gender-neutral policy may have an asymmetric effect between males and females because of spillover effects through intra-household resource allocation.





校对| 麦嘉杰

责编| 麦嘉杰

初审| 孙  兰

复审| 唐庆峰

终审发布| 何凌云
