特区所梁文泉老师的合作论文Journal of Environmental Economics and Management上发表


    近日,我院特区经济港澳所梁文泉老师的合作论文“Willingness to pay for clean air in China”(合作者:Richard Freeman,Ran Song,Christopher Timmins)在环境经济学领域期 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 94(2019): 188-216上发表。Journal of Environmental Economics and Management是学院国际A2类期刊。


     We use a residential sorting model incorporating migration disutility to recover the implicit value of clean air in China. The model is estimated using China Population Census Data along with PM2.5 satellite data. Our study provides new evidence on the willingness to pay for air quality improvements in developing countries and is the first application of an equilibrium sorting model to the valuation of non-market amenities in China. We employ two instrumental variables based on coal-fired electricity generation and wind direction to address the endogeneity of local air pollution. Results suggest important differences between the residential sorting model and a conventional hedonic model, highlighting the role of moving costs and the discreteness of the choice set.  Our sorting results indicate that the economic value of air quality improvement associated with a one-unit decline in PM2.5 concentration is up to $8.83 billion for all Chinese households in 2005.

