经济学系余燕团老师以第一作者在《Energy Policy》上发表论文


经济学系博士后余燕团老师与其合作导师张宁老师共同合作的论文“Impact of urbanization on energy demand: An empirical study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in China”在学校A1SSCI期刊Energy Policy上在线发表。



        This paper provides an empirical assessment of the effects of China’s urbanization on its energy demand for 2003–2014 using a dataset of 108 cities located in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Both demographic urbanization (DU) and land urbanization (LU) are considered in the empirical analysis. The results show that urbanization exerts significant and positive impacts on energy demand during the study period. Our empirical suggest that one unit rises in DU and LU rises the energy demand by 48.85% (91.62%) and 65.54% (68.09%), respectively, without (with) considering control variables. The energy demand effects of urbanization still hold when considering spatial and heterogeneity factors. These results are robust to alternative measures of urbanization and empirical model specifications. Our results indicate that policymakers should improve the quality of urbanization to promote the growth of high-tech and high-quality industries, avoiding excessive energy consumption with extensive urbanization. Large cities should not be allowed to grow unchecked. More attention should be paid to promote the development of medium-sized cities and implement a balanced population distribution among different cities. The energy demand structure (industrial and residential; primary and secondary; renewable and nonrenewable) should be optimized by introducing cleaner/low-carbon technology and its transformation.



       余燕团,暨南大学经济学系博士后,201812月毕业于湖南大学获得经济学博士学位,研究方向为效率与生产率分析、环境与能源经济管理。在国外SSCI/SCI学术期刊发表(含录用)论文16(第一作者9篇,另通讯作者4),其中一作单位为暨南大学的论文6篇。文章见于《Environmental and Resource Economics》、《Energy Policy》、《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》和《Ecological Modelling》等。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目1项、中国博士后科学基金项目1项。